Rx: 45Gy/25fx Initial plan to nodal volume with a 34.2Gy/19fx sequential boost to prostate+SV (79.2Gy)

RTOG 1115

2:36 initial IMRT treatment field delivery time

Simple DVH Metrics

Name (ID): Prostate_Nodes, Prostate_Nodes (ROQS_26)
Plan or PlanSum ID: Init SX1 IMRT

Structure ID Structure Code Patient Structure DVH Objective Evaluator Variation Priority Met Achieved
PTV_45   PTV_45 V45.0Gy[%] >=98     Goal 98.56 %
PTV_45   PTV_45 D0.03cc[Gy] <=48.2 49.5   Goal 47.783 Gy


Name (ID): Prostate_Nodes, Prostate_Nodes (ROQS_26)
Plan or PlanSum ID: Plan Sum


Structure ID Structure Code Patient Structure DVH Objective Evaluator Variation Priority Met Achieved
PTV_78   PTV_78 V79.2Gy[%] >=98     Goal 99.31 %
PTV_45   PTV_45 V45.0Gy[%] >=98     Goal 100.00 %
RECTUM   RECTUM V75.0Gy[%] <=15 20   Goal 7.85 %
RECTUM   RECTUM V70.0Gy[%] <=25 30   Goal 11.36 %
RECTUM   RECTUM V65.0Gy[%] <=35 40   Goal 14.61 %
RECTUM   RECTUM V60.0Gy[%] <=50 55   Goal 17.93 %
BLADDER   BLADDER V80.0Gy[%] <=15     Goal 6.07 %
BLADDER   BLADDER V75.0Gy[%] <=25 30   Goal 9.98 %
BLADDER   BLADDER V70.0Gy[%] <=35 40   Goal 12.73 %
BLADDER   BLADDER V65.0Gy[%] <=50 55   Goal 15.48 %
PENILE_BULB   PENILE_BULB Mean[Gy] <=52.5     Goal 7.420 Gy
Technical Plan Comments

Prostate and nodes treated sequentially following RTOG 1115.  Initial 9 field IMRT plan created with custom gantry positions to follow the irregular nodal volume target shape on the transverse planes.  Beams were placed so edges created a sharp gradient against highest value OAR (rectum).  Also, unique collimator rotations per field were selected from a beam's eye view to match the general angle of the target volume.  All target coverage constraints were assessed separately in the initial plan and all were met.

For the sequential boost, due to the round nature of the boost volume, VMAT technique was chosen and 4 almost complete arcs were used.  Each arc used a different start and stop angle by 1 degree to stagger the available control points throughout each arc rotation.  All target constraints were assessed separately in the boost plan and all were met.  Finally, a plan sum was created to evaluate organs at risk and all the constraints were met.  OAR goals were relatively easy to achieve in this case. 

The challenge was achieving 98% target coverage while a maintaining a minimum target dose of 95% and not exceeding maximum dose of 107%.  The temptation when a protocol enforces a minimum dose to the target is to simply perform a uniform expansion on the target and optimize on the expanded target.  However, in this case, an optimization PTV was created and stretched outward only along the edges of the real PTV where the minimum dose was not met.  Careful attention was paid to minimize stretching where the target interfaced/overlapped with an OAR (rectum).

Physician Comments

Given the more complex target areas within the pelvis, this prostate plan shows a very reasonable delivery time for a IMRT pelvis and VMAT boost set up.


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